Gloucestershire parent carer forum SEND fair

Invitation to attend
Gloucestershire Dyslexia Association
Annual General Meeting for account year ending 2023
We’re holding our AGM on Wednesday 18th September 2024 at 7.30pm
This important meeting is an opportunity to reflect on the past year’s achievements, discuss future plans & ensure the continued success of our efforts in supporting individuals with dyslexia.
Please email: if you want to join us.
Meeting will be held over google meet.
If you would like to become a member of the committee let us know.

We are delighted to invite you to a presentation about our recent pilot project in local schools, providing information to teachers and teaching assistants about spotting and supporting dyslexic pupils.
The presentation will be on June 8th, 7pm at Rodborough Community Hall, Butterrow West, Stroud, GL5 3TZ. There is plenty of parking on site.
The school project was led by one of the GDA’s accredited tutors, Dr Georgia Niolaki, Senior Lecturer SpLD/Dyslexia and Inclusion at Bath Spa University and her colleague Dr. Aris Terzopoulos, Lecturer in Psychology, Birmingham City University. Three of our board members Lucy, Wendy and Ingvild, also went to the schools to provide help during the sessions.
The project was funded by Bath Spa University.
There will be an opportunity for a question and answer session about the project, and light refreshments will be available. It will be a good chance for us all to catch up and exchange ideas about what the GDA could do in the future. There will also be a small amount of second-hand dyslexia resources to buy.
Please RSVP us to , so that we can get an idea of the numbers.
We’re looking forward to seeing you!
Kind regards,
GDA Board of Directors